Hood Family Tree  

About Us







               To my collection of our family geneology.

What's New  

Bullet This homepage is new. Launched on December 14, 1998. It contains family geneology for the HOOD/KEITH families.
This site was relaunched in its presently modified format on August 26, 2002.
Bullet There is a new "LINKS" area which leads to geneology sources on the net and contains links to HOOD and other family members homepages. Please email related links you like to add.

Net Meeting  

Bullet Every Tuesday and Wednesday night I host a net (chat) meeting at 
8:30 P.M. EST.
Bullet To log in to the chat room on AOL go to: ***people/chat now/private room/hood/go chat*** Sorry, but I have not yet found a way for other netizens to join 
in the chat room. email is available though and those participating may wish to have me post an email listing.


Bullet There will be a FAQ.


Bullet Geneology Database including photographs as supplied.
Bullet Photographic collection is being accumulated here.  I will start with my 
grandchildren and then work my way slowly through the family branches.
See "FAMILY TREE" link below


Bullet I need your input in order to advance this project to where it will perhaps serve as a usefull catalyst in the promotion of an old fashioned and strong "NUCLEAR FAMILY". The bonds that create family strength can be acomplished through this simple new communication  media called Internet and "email"  :-).
Bullet You may submit family information, digital photos and text or database files as file attaches to the following email address: 



Bullet  Family and Friends Photos
Bullet             CLICK LINK TO VIEW      FAMILY TREE

Contact US  

Bullet Contact information will be made available for postal or UPS delivery of manual data or photographs.
Bullet Contact information may be available here on an open or a "blind" message forward basis to conform to the specific privacy wishes of each individual.


Bullet Individual or family oriented projects will be able to be posted here on a bulletin board like structure as space allows.
Grandma (HOOD)   Grandpa (KEITH)

Rose (Hood) Keith and

Joseph M. Keith <LEFT>

Robert and Loraine Halliday

Robert and Loraine Halliday <TOP>


Bullet My name is L.  Halliday and my roots hail from State of Kansas, USA 
with the HOOD/KEITH families.



Please submit all questions and comments to kansas1997@aol.com 

Website questions and comments to webmaster